Do you whenever you install a new program, it will create temporary files in your computer. These files are helpful during the installation process, but if not removed they can occupy a good amount of disk space.
In this article, you will learn about how to remove those files to increase disk space using a few simple steps in your Windows OS environment.
Table of Contents
What is the Windows Temp Folder and what is it used for?
The Windows Temp Folder is a hidden folder that is used to store temporary files and data. These files are deleted once they have been used or when the computer is restarted.
Some of the files stored in the Temp folder include temporary internet files, system files, and files that are used to speed up the start-up process.
How to safely remove the temp files in your Windows OS?
To safely remove the temp files in your Windows laptop or desktop, go start menu, type run and launch the RUN app

Type the following in the RUn app to launch all the 3 temp folders. You will need to do the following thrice:
- temp
- %temp%
- prefetch
it will open up these 3 folders if you do it correctly

You can select all the files in the folders and delete them. Remember to clear your recycle bin after deleting it as well in order to free up more disk space.
How to prevent the files in the Windows Temp Folder from taking up valuable disk space in your laptop/desktop?
Windows Temp is a great way to keep track of temporary files, but it’s important to be aware of how much space it can take up.
When you first install Windows, Temp takes up about 1GB of space. Over time, the Temp folder can grow to be quite large, taking up a lot of disk space. If you don’t want to waste space on Temp files, you can try the following tips to prevent the files from taking up so much space.
First, be sure to only keep the files that are actually needed. If you don’t need a file, don’t keep it in the Temp folder.
Next, try to clean the Temp folder regularly. If you don’t need a file, delete it from the Temp folder instead of keeping it in the file system.
Last, if you ever need to remove a Temp file for any reason, try to do so by deleting it from the Temp folder and not from the file system. This way, you won’t waste any disk space.
Wrapping Up
Now, that you know how to easily remove temporary files, you can start using that disk space for your more important files. Thanks for reading!