The Hotkey feature in Microsoft Paint enables users to quickly access various functions without using a mouse or keyboard. This blog will cover the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts found in the application.

You can also learn about other Windows 10 and 11 keyboard shortcuts through these. Shortcut keys for Microsoft Teams, Office, and Windows 10 users can be found here.

Since it was first introduced in 1985, Microsoft Paint has been regarded as one of the original tools of Windows. It was simple and fun for people to distract themselves from their studies or work.

Although it was initially believed that Paint 3D would replace the classic tool, it was still a resounding victory for the image editing app. After some time, Microsoft released a new version of Paint for Windows 11.

While it is not as powerful as its free counterparts, it still offers an accessible and versatile canvas for everyone. Here are some keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Paint to make your work easier.

“Windows 10 and 11 Users Can Use the Microsoft Paint Keyboard Shortcuts to Work More Efficiently.” – Anytechstuff.

MS Paint Shortcuts: A Complete Guide [Cheat Sheet Available To Download]

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl+SSave the finished project
Ctrl+UUnderline the focused text
Ctrl+VPaste the copied word from the clipboard
Ctrl+WOpen the Resize and Skew window
Ctrl+EOpen the Image Properties window
Ctrl+GHide or show the grid lines
Ctrl+ASelect the whole canvas content
Ctrl+BBold the selected text
Ctrl+CCopy the specific words to the clipboard
Ctrl+IItalicize the selected text
Ctrl+NCreate a new folder file
Ctrl+OOpen an existing file
Ctrl+RHide or show the ruler
Ctrl+ZUndo the deleted sentences or words
Up ArrowMove the selection up / navigate
Down ArrowMove the selection down / navigate
Left ArrowMove the selection left / navigate
Right ArrowMove the selection right / navigate
Ctrl+Numpad Plus (+)Expand the width of the active tool
Ctrl+Numpad Minus (-)Reduce the width of the active tool
Ctrl+Page UpZoom in
Ctrl+Page DownZoom out
Shift+F10Show the menu context
F11View in full screen
F12Save a new file to help support the article
Alt+F4Close Paint app

If you are a Windows 10 or 11 users, you should use these keyboard shortcuts in MS Paint. These will allow you to quickly navigate the program and return to creating your masterpiece.

Alternatively you can view and download the cheatsheet here:

MS Paint Shortcuts A Complete Guide Cheatsheet

Other Shortcut Keys for MS Paint 3D

Shortcut KeyDescription
CTRL + 0 or Numeric Keypad 0Reset the zoom percentage
CTRL + 3Switch to another view
CTRL + ASelect all 3D items in the workspace<br>Repeat the command to switch and select all 2D items
CTRL + BFormat selected text in bold
CTRL + CCopy the selected item
CTRL + InsertCopy the selected item
CTRL + Shift + CCapture a screen capture
CTRL + EDisplay canvas properties
CTRL + Shift + EHide or display 3D perspective
CTRL + GGroup objects
CTRL + Shift + GCancel the grouping of objects
ITurn on the pipette
CTRL + IFormat the selected text in italics
MMinimize or expand the side menu
CTRL + NCreate a new image or file
CTRL + OOpen an existing image or file
CTRL + PPrint in 2D
CTRL + SSave
CTRL + Shift + SSave As
CTRL + UUnderline the selected text
CTRL + VPaste the selected item
Shift + InsertPaste the selected item
CTRL + WCanvas selection
CTRL + Shift + WShow or hide canvas
CTRL + XCut the selected item
Shift + DeleteCut the selected item
CTRL + Shift + X2D cropping
CTRL + YRedo an action
CTRL + ZUndo an action
Escape buttonStop or exit the current task
Home buttonReset the display
PgUp buttonZoom in
CTRL + PgUp buttonZoom in
PgDn buttonZoom out
CTRL + PgDn buttonZoom out
CTRL + Mouse WheelZoom in or out
CTRL + LeftLeft turn
CTRL + RightRight turn
CTRL + UpTurn up
CTRL + DownTurn down
Alt + LeftSlide to the left
Alt + RightSlide to the right
Alt + UpSlide up
Alt + DownSlide down
CTRL + Minus (-) or [Reduce the brush size
CTRL + Plus Sign (+) or ]Increase the brush size
Right Arrow buttonMove the selection or active shape one pixel to the right
Arrow Left buttonMove the selection or active shape one pixel to the left
Down Arrow buttonMove the selection or active shape one pixel down
Up Arrow buttonMove the selection or active shape up one pixel

However, despite the company’s decision to retire Paint, plenty of free complete alternatives can still be used for various tasks, such as image drawing and editing.

It is no surprise that Microsoft decided to stop working on the app, as it had not been updated since Windows 7. Even though it is still available in the store, it is apparent that the company is now focused on the new version of Paint.

Microsoft Paint is a popular tool for creating and editing pictures, but there are many lists of useful alternative sites that can be used instead, like:


It was initially created as a student project. Since then, it has become one of Windows’ best image editors and is a valid alternative to programs like Photoshop and Gimp.

So, if you are mainly a light user, the Paint.NET website is a good tip. Moreover, one of the most important factors you will want to look into when choosing an image editor is its familiarity.


The app you are most likely looking at in the number of comments is Pinta, which is affiliated with the widely-used Paint.NET framework.

So if you feel like you do not want to use the mouse in most of your editing, It is a better alternative for those who want to use Microsoft Paint without the additional features that come with it.


If you plan on switching to another program from Microsoft Paint, plenty of alternatives will work seamlessly for you. Just read the article above to find out. For the most part, you may use the MS Paint shortcuts. If you are more interested in using Microsoft Paint.

Besides, With Microsoft Paint, you do not need to share or click the link just to use it. as it is free and very easy to use with the help of Paint Keyboard shortcuts.

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