Google Sheets is a spreadsheet tool used for various purposes such as creating to-do lists, tracking budgets, and managing data. Adding checkboxes to a Google Sheet can be a great way to keep track of tasks or goals.

In this tutorial, we will go over the steps to add checkboxes in a Google Sheet and how to change their color using conditional formatting.

What Are Checkboxes and How to Add Them in a Google Sheet?

Checkboxes are a form control type consisting of a small square box and a tick mark that appears in it when the box is checked. In Google Sheets, checkboxes can be added to a spreadsheet to help organize and manage data in a more efficient way.

Google Sheets checkboxes can be either checked or unchecked. The value of the cell that contains a checkbox is either true or false, depending on whether the checkbox is checked or unchecked.

Steps to Add Checkboxes in a Google Sheet

To add a checkbox or tickbox in Google Sheets, follow these simple steps:

Steps to Add Checkboxes in a Google Sheet
  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to insert a checkbox.
  2. Click on the ‘Insert‘ menu and select ‘Tick box‘.
  3. A checkbox with a default gray background and no border will appear in the selected cell or range of cells. Refer example below:
A checkbox or tickbox with a default gray background and no border will appear in the selected cell or range of cells.

How to Insert a Checkbox / Tickbox in a Single Cell and in Entire Column?

You can insert a checkbox either in a single cell or in an entire column. To insert a checkbox in a single cell, select the cell and follow the above steps.

To insert checkboxes or tick boxes in an entire column, select the column by clicking on the column header and follow the same steps mentioned above.

How to Change the Color of Checkboxes in Google Sheets?

Conditional formatting is a powerful feature in Google Sheets that allows you to change the appearance of cells based on certain conditions. You can use conditional formatting to change the color of a checkbox in Google Sheets. Here’s how:

Steps to Apply Conditional Formatting Based on a Checkbox Cell

You can also use a custom formula to change the color of a checkbox box based on different conditions. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells with the checkboxes you want to format.
  2. Click on the ‘Format’ menu and select ‘Conditional formatting’.
  3. Select ‘Custom Formula‘ from the drop-down menu under the ‘Format cells if’ section.
  4. Under the Custom Formula is, input this = A1=TRUE , it shows is A1 cell is true meaning the tickbox or checkbox is ticked. You can refer to the screenshot below
  5. Click on the ‘Formatting style‘ drop-down menu and select the fill color icon. In this case, I selected Black to make it easier to identify.
  6. Click on the ‘Done‘ button to apply the conditional formatting.
Steps to Apply Conditional Formatting Based on a Checkbox Cell

How Does Checkbox Color Change While Toggling and How to Modify It?

In Google Sheets, the checkbox color changes when the box is checked or unchecked. By default, when a checkbox is checked, it has a blue tick mark, while when it is unchecked, it is a blank box. However, you can modify the color of a checkbox when it is checked or unchecked using conditional formatting.

When a checkbox is checked, the value of the cell containing it changes to ‘true’. Similarly, when a checkbox is unchecked, the value of the cell changes to ‘false’. You can use these values to set conditional formatting rules for the checkboxes in your spreadsheet.

How to Change the Color of a Checkbox When It Is Checked or Unchecked?

To change the color of a checkbox when it is checked or unchecked, follow the steps mentioned above for applying conditional formatting based on a checkbox cell.

Steps to Modify the Checkbox/Tick box Color by Toggling It

You can also modify the color of a checkbox by toggling it. Here’s how:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells with the checkbox you want to modify.
  2. Click on the checkbox to select it.
  3. Click on the fill color icon and select the color you want to set for the checkbox.
Steps to Modify the Checkbox Color by Toggling It
Uncheck on A1 cell is Red
Steps to Modify the Checkbox/Tick box Color by Toggling It
When the tickbox or checked is checked, it will turn back black because of the condition.

How to Format Checkboxes in Google Sheets?

In addition to changing the color of a checkbox, you can also format checkboxes in Google Sheets to give them a more polished look. 

To format checkbox cells in Google Sheets using fill color and borders, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells with the checkboxes you want to format.
  2. Click on the ‘Format’ menu and select ‘Conditional formatting‘.
  3. Click on the ‘Formatting style’ drop-down menu and select the fill color icon.
  4. Select the color you want to set for the checkbox when it is checked or unchecked.
  5. To add a strikethrough, click on the ‘Strikethrough’ button
  6. Click on the ‘Done’ button to apply the conditional formatting.
Formatting  Style under Conditional Formatting
Formatting Style under Conditional Formatting

How to Format an Entire Row Based on a Checkbox / Tick Box Being Checked or Unchecked?

You can also format an entire row based on whether a checkbox in that row is checked or unchecked. Here’s how:

  • Select the column where your checkbox/tickbox is located.
  • Click on the ‘Format‘ menu and select ‘Conditional formatting‘.
  • Under Apply To Range, instead of the range of the entire column (eg D1 : D1000), expand the range from eg A1: D1000.

How to Format an Entire Row Based on a Checkbox Being Checked or Unchecked?
  • Select ‘Custom formula is’ from the drop-down menu under the ‘Format cells if’ section.
  • Enter the formula in the input box based on the condition you want to set. For example, if you want to format the row when the checkbox in column D is checked, enter the formula ‘=$D1=TRUE‘ in this example.
  • Click on the ‘Formatting style’ drop-down menu and select the fill color icon.
  • Select the color you want to set for the row when the condition is met.
How to Format an Entire Row Based on a Tickbox Being Checked or Unchecked?
  • Click on the ‘Done‘ button to apply the conditional formatting.

So now when you check on the check box / tick box, it will actually change the color of the entire row.

So now when you check on the check box / tick box, it will actually change the color of the entire row.


Adding checkboxes to a Google Sheet can be a great way to stay organized and focused on tasks or goals. Changing the color of checkboxes and formatting them using conditional formatting can help you create a more visually appealing and functional spreadsheet.

By following the steps mentioned in this tutorial, you can easily change the color of checkboxes in Google Sheets and use them to their full potential. Use these additional tips and tricks to make the most out of your checkboxes in a Google Sheet.